Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II Read online

  Produced by Geoff Palmer



  VOL. II.




  CHAPTER 1. Maramma 2. They land 3. They pass through the Woods 4. Hivohitee MDCCCXLVII 5. They visit the great Morai 6. They discourse of the Gods of Mardi, and Braid-Beard tells of one Foni 7. They visit the Lake of Yammo 8. They meet the Pilgrims at the Temple of Oro 9. They discourse of Alma10. Mohi tells of one Ravoo, and they land to visit Hevaneva, a flourishing Artisan11. A Nursery-tale of Babbalanja's12. Landing to visit Hivohitee the Pontiff; they encounter an extraordinary old Hermit; with whom Yoomy has a confidential Interview, but learns little13. Babbalanja endeavors to explain the Mystery14. Taji receives Tidings and Omens15. Dreams16. Media and Babbalanja discourse17. They regale themselves with their Pipes18. They visit an extraordinary old Antiquary19. They go down into the Catacombs20. Babbalanja quotes from an antique Pagan; and earnestly presses it upon the Company, that what he recites is not his but another's21. They visit a wealthy old Pauper22. Yoomy sings some odd Verses, and Babbalanja quotes from the old Authors right and left23. What manner of Men the Tapparians were24. Their adventures upon landing at Pimminee25. A, I, and O26. A Reception-day at Pimminee27. Babbalanja falleth upon Pimminee Tooth and Nail28. Babbalanja regales the Company with some Sandwiches29. They still remain upon the Rock30. Behind and Before31. Babbalanja discourses in the Dark32. My Lord Media summons Mohi to the Stand33. Wherein Babbalanja and Yoomy embrace34. Of the Isle of Diranda35. They visit the Lords Piko and Hello36. They attend the Games37. Taji still hunted and beckoned38. They embark from Diranda39. Wherein Babbalanja discourses of himself40. Of the Sorcerers in the Isle of Minda41. Chiefly of King Bello42. Dominora and Vivenza43. They land at Dominora44. Through Dominora, they wander after Yillah45. They behold King Bello's State Canoe46. Wherein Babbalanja bows thrice47. Babbalanja philosophizes, and my Lord Media passes round the Calabashes48. They sail round an Island without landing; and talk round a Subject without getting at it49. They draw nigh to Porpheero; where they behold a terrific Eruption50. Wherein King Media celebrates the Glories of Autumn; the Minstrel, the Promise of Spring51. In which Azzageddi seems to use Babbalanja for a Mouthpiece52. The charming Yoomy sings53. They draw nigh unto Land54. They visit the great central Temple of Vivenza55. Wherein Babbalanja comments upon the Speech of Alanno56. A Scene in the Land of Warwicks, or King-makers57. They hearken unto a Voice from the Gods58. They visit the extreme South of Vivenza59. They converse of the Molluscs, Kings, Toad-stools, and other Matters60. Wherein, that gallant Gentleman and Demi-god, King Media, Scepter in Hand throws himself into the Breach61. They round the stormy Cape of Capes62. They encounter Gold-hunters63. They seek through the Isles of Palms; and pass the Isles of Myrrh64. Concentric, inward, with Mardi's Reef, they leave their Wake around the World65. Sailing on66. A Sight of Nightingales from Yoomy's Mouth67. They visit one Doxodox68. King Media dreams69. After a long Interval, by Night they are becalmed70. They land at Hooloomooloo71. A Book from the "Ponderings of old Bardianna"72. Babbalanja starts to his Feet73. At last, the last Mention is made of old Bardianna; and His last Will and Testament is recited at Length74. A Death-cloud sweeps by them as they sail75. They visit the palmy King Abrazza76. Same pleasant, shady Talk in the Groves, between my Lords Abrazza and Media, Babbalanja, Mohi, and Yoomy...77. They sup78. They embark79. Babbalanja at the Full of the Moon80. Morning81. L'Ultima sera82. They sail from Night to Day83. They land84. Babbalanja relates to them a Vision85. They depart from Serena86. They meet the Phantoms87. They draw nigh to Flozella88. They land89. They enter the Bower of Hautia90. Taji with Hautia91. Mardi behind: an Ocean before


  CHAPTER IMaramma

  We were now voyaging straight for Maramma; where lived and reigned, inmystery, the High Pontiff of the adjoining isles: prince, priest, andgod, in his own proper person: great lord paramount over many kings inMardi; his hands full of scepters and crosiers.

  Soon, rounding a lofty and insulated shore, the great central peak ofthe island came in sight; domineering over the neighboring hills; thesame aspiring pinnacle, descried in drawing near the archipelago inthe Chamois.

  "Tall Peak of Ofo!" cried Babbalanja, "how comes it that thy shadow sobroods over Mardi; flinging new shades upon spots already shaded bythe hill-sides; shade upon shade!"

  "Yet, so it is," said Yoomy, sadly, "that where that shadow falls, gayflowers refuse to spring; and men long dwelling therein become shadyof face and of soul. 'Hast thou come from out the shadows of Ofo?'inquires the stranger, of one with a clouded brow."

  "It was by this same peak," said Mohi, "that the nimble god Roo, agreat sinner above, came down from the skies, a very long time ago.Three skips and a jump, and he landed on the plain. But alas, poorRoo! though easy the descent, there was no climbing back."

  "No wonder, then," said Babbalanja, "that the peak is inaccessible toman. Though, with a strange infatuation, many still make pilgrimagesthereto; and wearily climb and climb, till slipping from the rocks,they fall headlong backward, and oftentimes perish at its base."

  "Ay," said Mohi, "in vain, on all sides of the Peak, various paths aretried; in vain new ones are cut through the cliffs and the brambles:--Ofo yet remains inaccessible."

  "Nevertheless," said Babbalanja, "by some it is believed, that those,who by dint of hard struggling climb so high as to become invisiblefrom the plain; that these have attained the summit; though othersmuch doubt, whether their be-coming invisible is not because of theirhaving fallen, and perished by the way."

  "And wherefore," said Media, "do you mortals undertake the ascent atall? why not be content on the plain? and even if attainable, whatwould you do upon that lofty, clouded summit? Or how can you hope tobreathe that rarefied air, unfitted for your human lungs?"

  "True, my lord," said Babbalanja; "and Bardianna asserts that theplain alone was intended for man; who should be content to dwell underthe shade of its groves, though the roots thereof descend into thedarkness of the earth. But, my lord, you well know, that there arethose in Mardi, who secretly regard all stories connected with thispeak, as inventions of the people of Maramma. They deny that any thingis to be gained by making a pilgrimage thereto. And for warranty, theyappeal to the sayings of the great prophet Alma."

  Cried Mohi, "But Alma is also quoted by others, in vindication of thepilgrimages to Ofo. They declare that the prophet himself was thefirst pilgrim that thitherward journeyed: that from thence he departedto the skies."

  Now, excepting this same peak, Maramma is all rolling hill and dale,like the sea after a storm; which then seems not to roll, but to standstill, poising its mountains. Yet the landscape of Maramma has not themerriness of meadows; partly because of the shadow of Ofo, and partlybecause of the solemn groves in which the Morais and temples areburied.

  According to Mohi, not one solitary tree bearing fruit, not oneesculent root, grows in all the isle; the population wholly dependingupon the large tribute remitted from the neighboring shores.

  "It is not that the soil is unproductive," said Mohi, "that thesethings are so. It is extremely fertile; but the inhabitants say thatit would be wrong to make a Bread-fruit orchard of the holy island."

  "And hence, my lord," said Babbalanja, "while others are charged withthe business of their temporal welfare, these Islanders take no thoughtof the morrow; and broad Maramma lies one fertile waste in the lagoon."


  Coming close to the island, the pennons and trappings of our canoeswere removed; and Vee-Vee wa
s commanded to descend from the shark'smouth; and for a time to lay aside his conch. In token of reverence,our paddlers also stripped to the waist; an example which even Mediafollowed; though, as a king, the same homage he rendered, was at timesrendered himself.

  At every place, hitherto visited, joyous crowds stood ready to hailour arrival; but the shores of Maramma were silent, and forlorn.

  Said Babbalanja, "It looks not as if the lost one were here."

  At length we landed in a little cove nigh a valley, which Mohi calledUma; and here in silence we beached our canoes.

  But presently, there came to us an old man, with a beard white as themane of the pale horse. He was clad in a midnight robe. He fannedhimself with a fan of faded leaves. A child led him by the hand, forhe was blind, wearing a green plantain leaf over his plaited brow.

  Him, Media accosted, making mention who we were, and on what errand wecame: to seek out Yillah, and behold the isle.

  Whereupon Pani, for such was his name, gave us a courteous reception;and lavishly promised to discover sweet Yillah; declaring that inMaramma, if any where, the long-lost maiden must be found. He assuredus, that throughout the whole land he would lead us; leaving no place,desirable to be searched, unexplored.

  And so saying, he conducted us to his dwelling, for refreshment andrepose.

  It was large and lofty. Near by, however, were many miserable hovels,with squalid inmates. But the old man's retreat was exceedinglycomfortable; especially abounding in mats for lounging; his rafterswere bowed down by calabashes of good cheer.

  During the repast which ensued, blind Pani, freely partaking, enlargedupon the merit of abstinence; declaring that a thatch overhead, and acocoanut tree, comprised all that was necessary for the temporalwelfare of a Mardian. More than this, he assured us was sinful.

  He now made known, that he officiated as guide in this quarter of thecountry; and that as he had renounced all other pursuits to devotehimself to showing strangers the island; and more particularly thebest way to ascend lofty Ofo; he was necessitated to seek remunerationfor his toil.

  "My lord," then whispered Mohi to Media "the great prophet Alma alwaysdeclared, that, without charge, this island was free to all."

  "What recompense do you desire, old man?" said Media to Pani.

  "What I seek is but little:--twenty rolls of fine tappa; two scoremats of best upland grass; one canoe-load of bread-fruit and yams; tengourds of wine; and forty strings of teeth;--you are a large company,but my requisitions are small."

  "Very small," said Mohi.

  "You are extortionate, good Pani," said Media. "And what wants an agedmortal like you with all these things?"

  "I thought superfluities were worthless; nay, sinful," said Babbalanja.

  "Is not this your habitation already more than abundantly suppliedwith all desirable furnishings?" asked Yoomy.

  "I am but a lowly laborer," said the old man, meekly crossing hisarms, "but does not the lowliest laborer ask and receive his reward?and shall I miss mine?--But I beg charity of none. What I ask, Idemand; and in the dread name of great Alma, who appointed me aguide." And to and fro he strode, groping as he went.

  Marking his blindness, whispered Babbalanja to Media, "My lord,methinks this Pani must be a poor guide. In his journeys inland, hislittle child leads him; why not, then, take the guide's guide?"

  But Pani would not part with the child.

  Then said Mohi in a low voice, "My lord Media, though I am noappointed guide; yet, will I undertake to lead you aright over allthis island; for I am an old man, and have been here oft by myself;though I can not undertake to conduct you up the peak of Ofo, and tothe more secret temples."

  Then Pani said: "and what mortal may this be, who pretends to threadthe labyrinthine wilds of Maramma? Beware!"

  "He is one with eyes that see," made answer Babbalanja.

  "Follow him not," said Pani, "for he will lead thee astray; no Yillahwill he find; and having no warrant as a guide, the curses of Almawill accompany him."

  Now, this was not altogether without effect; for Pani and his fathersbefore him had always filled the office of guide.

  Nevertheless, Media at last decided, that, this time, Mohi shouldconduct us; which being communicated to Pani, he desired us to removefrom his roof. So withdrawing to the skirt of a neighboring grove, welingered awhile, to refresh ourselves for the journey in prospect.

  As we here reclined, there came up from the sea-side a party ofpilgrims, but newly arrived.

  Apprised of their coming, Pani and his child went out to meet them;and standing in the path he cried, "I am the appointed guide; in thename of Alma I conduct all pilgrims to the temples."

  "This must be the worthy Pani," said one of the strangers, turningupon the rest.

  "Let us take him, then, for our guide," cried they; and all drew near.

  But upon accosting him; they were told, that he guided none withoutrecompense.

  And now, being informed, that the foremost of the pilgrims was oneDivino, a wealthy chief of a distant island, Pani demanded of him hisrequital.

  But the other demurred; and by many soft speeches at length abated therecompense to three promissory cocoanuts, which he covenanted to sendPani at some future day.

  The next pilgrim accosted, was a sad-eyed maiden, in decent but scantyraiment; who without seeking to diminish Pani's demands promptlyplaced in his hands a small hoard of the money of Mardi.

  "Take it, holy guide," she said, "it is all I have."

  But the third pilgrim, one Fanna, a hale matron, in handsome apparel,needed no asking to bestow her goods. Calling upon her attendants toadvance with their burdens, she quickly unrolled them; and wound roundand round Pani, fold after fold of the costliest tappas; and filledboth his hands with teeth; and his mouth with some savory marmalade;and poured oil upon his head; and knelt and besought of him ablessing.

  "From the bottom of my heart I bless thee," said Pani; and stillholding her hands exclaimed, "Take example from this woman, oh Divino;and do ye likewise, ye pilgrims all."

  "Not to-day," said Divino.

  "We are not rich, like unto Fauna," said the rest.

  Now, the next pilgrim was a very old and miserable man; stone-blind,covered with rags; and supporting his steps with a staff.

  "My recompense," said Pani.

  "Alas! I have naught to give. Behold my poverty."

  "I can not see," replied Pani; but feeling of his garments, he said,"Thou wouldst deceive me; hast thou not this robe, and this staff?"

  "Oh! Merciful Pani, take not my all!" wailed the pilgrim. But hisworthless gaberdine was thrust into the dwelling of the guide.

  Meanwhile, the matron was still enveloping Pani in her interminabletappas.

  But the sad-eyed maiden, removing her upper mantle, threw it over thenaked form of the beggar.

  The fifth pilgrim was a youth of an open, ingenuous aspect; and withan eye, full of eyes; his step was light.

  "Who art thou?" cried Pani, as the stripling touched him in passing.

  "I go to ascend the Peak," said the boy.

  "Then take me for guide."

  "No, I am strong and lithesome. Alone must I go."

  "But how knowest thou the way?"

  "There are many ways: the right one I must seek for myself."

  "Ah, poor deluded one," sighed Pani; "but thus is it ever with youth;and rejecting the monitions of wisdom, suffer they must. Go on, andperish!"

  Turning, the boy exclaimed--"Though I act counter to thy counsels, ohPani, I but follow the divine instinct in me."

  "Poor youth!" murmured Babbalanja. "How earnestly he struggles in hisbonds. But though rejecting a guide, still he clings to that legend ofthe Peak."

  The rest of the pilgrims now tarried with the guide, preparing fortheir journey inland.

  CHAPTER IIIThey Pass Through The Woods

  Refreshed by our stay in the grove, we rose, and placed ourselvesunder the guidance of Mohi; who went on in advance.

our way among jungles, we came to a deep hollow, planted withone gigantic palm-shaft, belted round by saplings, springing from itsroots. But, Laocoon-like, sire and sons stood locked in the serpentfolds of gnarled, distorted banians; and the banian-bark, eating intotheir vital wood, corrupted their veins of sap, till all those palm-nuts were poisoned chalices.

  Near by stood clean-limbed, comely manchineels, with lustrous leavesand golden fruit. You would have deemed them Trees of Life; butunderneath their branches grew no blade of grass, no herb, nor moss;the bare earth was scorched by heaven's own dews, filtrated throughthat fatal foliage.

  Farther on, there frowned a grove of blended banian boughs, thick-ranked manchineels, and many a upas; their summits gilded by the sun;but below, deep shadows, darkening night-shade ferns, and mandrakes.Buried in their midst, and dimly seen among large leaves, all halberd-shaped, were piles of stone, supporting falling temples of bamboo.Thereon frogs leaped in dampness, trailing round their slime. Thickhung the rafters with lines of pendant sloths; the upas trees droppeddarkness round; so dense the shade, nocturnal birds found thereperpetual night; and, throve on poisoned air. Owls hooted from deadboughs; or, one by one, sailed by on silent pinions; cranes stalkedabroad, or brooded, in the marshes; adders hissed; bats smote thedarkness; ravens croaked; and vampires, fixed on slumbering lizards,fanned the sultry air.


  Now, those doleful woodlands passed, straightway converse was renewed,and much discourse took place, concerning Hivohitee, Pontiff of theisle.